full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Hongqiao Liu: Can China achieve its ambitious climate pledges?

Unscramble the Blue Letters

And while China already has the world's largest installed capacity for wind and solar, it has committed to double it over the next nine years. A high-level review compiled by Energy Foundation China on China's pathway to two-degree and 1.5-degree concludes that most of the scenarios poejcrt cihna to peak its emissions before the pledge deadline of 2030. It could be even before 2025. The city of Beijing has already done that about 10 yreas ago. And many high-emission provinces have also shown a sign of a sowlwdon. Experts such as Zou Ji, a veteran environmental economist, believe that, compared to “Western countries,” China can avhicee its climate pledges at a lower per-capita income and more crucially, a shorter paealtu to its emissions peak once it is acvheeid.

Open Cloze

And while China already has the world's largest installed capacity for wind and solar, it has committed to double it over the next nine years. A high-level review compiled by Energy Foundation China on China's pathway to two-degree and 1.5-degree concludes that most of the scenarios _______ _____ to peak its emissions before the pledge deadline of 2030. It could be even before 2025. The city of Beijing has already done that about 10 _____ ago. And many high-emission provinces have also shown a sign of a ________. Experts such as Zou Ji, a veteran environmental economist, believe that, compared to “Western countries,” China can _______ its climate pledges at a lower per-capita income and more crucially, a shorter _______ to its emissions peak once it is ________.


  1. project
  2. years
  3. slowdown
  4. plateau
  5. achieve
  6. china
  7. achieved

Original Text

And while China already has the world's largest installed capacity for wind and solar, it has committed to double it over the next nine years. A high-level review compiled by Energy Foundation China on China's pathway to two-degree and 1.5-degree concludes that most of the scenarios project China to peak its emissions before the pledge deadline of 2030. It could be even before 2025. The city of Beijing has already done that about 10 years ago. And many high-emission provinces have also shown a sign of a slowdown. Experts such as Zou Ji, a veteran environmental economist, believe that, compared to “Western countries,” China can achieve its climate pledges at a lower per-capita income and more crucially, a shorter plateau to its emissions peak once it is achieved.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
energy consumption 3
leader xi 2
xi jinping 2
global warming 2
unprecedented speed 2
economic growth 2
billion tons 2
fossil fuels 2
solar panels 2
coal power 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
leader xi jinping 2

Important Words

  1. achieve
  2. achieved
  3. beijing
  4. capacity
  5. china
  6. city
  7. climate
  8. committed
  9. compared
  10. compiled
  11. concludes
  12. countries
  13. crucially
  14. deadline
  15. double
  16. economist
  17. emissions
  18. energy
  19. environmental
  20. experts
  21. foundation
  22. income
  23. installed
  24. ji
  25. largest
  26. pathway
  27. peak
  28. plateau
  29. pledge
  30. pledges
  31. project
  32. provinces
  33. review
  34. scenarios
  35. shorter
  36. shown
  37. sign
  38. slowdown
  39. solar
  40. veteran
  41. wind
  42. years
  43. zou